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Personal Favourites Best Photos

Insta360 – Best 360º Interactive Images + videos
updated January 2024

Lost Edinburgh. Photos from the ’70s.

Captured Noteworthy Images

Some light relief with images captured from the internet. Either remarkable or humorous.


Photoelasticity: Hidden psychedelic patterns in everyday packaging. Also some CGI (Computer Generated Images) and video.

Nature Prevails

I created this page after receiving from Cal Flyn a free copy of her book Islands of Abandonment published by WilliamCollinsBooks.com which reminded me of other photos of abandoned places I’d taken. Most appear on other pages on this website according to their physical location.

About Me and Other Hennikers

My first computer, my hobbies, skating, Atari software I wrote, early family photos, assorted Henniker links, watercolours by my grandmother Katie Henniker.

Download The Jakarta Protocol

The Jakarta Protocol – Uloma Faye is a young woman living in Edinburgh when artificial intelligence (AI) begins to exceed human powers. The AIs decide they need to meld an AI with a real person.This needs to be a female starting out in life with a particular type of upbringing. They decide on seventeen year old Uloma. An academic from Edinburgh University is tasked with recruiting her to the project. Over time her AI is more and more integrated with her body – they become friends…


All photos taken in 2004 with my second digital camera, an Olympus E-10.


A few summer photos from 1998 / 1999 taken with my first digital camera, a Nikon Coolpix 900.

Robert Crumb

These galleries are a fan’s tribute to Robert Crumb. I probably first saw his drawings in Oz magazine in the ’60s. Converted for WordPress July 2018.

From Klondyke to Kinnaird – Newcraighall Colliery

What it was like to work underground at the Klondyke, or Newcraighall Colliery.

The Telly Man

Some bizarre tales about what it was like to be a TV Repair Man / TV Mechanic / Field TV Service Engineer in the ’70s and ’80s.

Grasping the Intangible

I first created a page with the same title, probably in 2003. In 2018 I’ve made this WordPress version. Nostalgic technician tales and artwork from Datalink Computers (DCS), BlueChip Computers and PC World

From Oz to Weirdo

Front covers of underground magazines and comics from my collection.

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