Top left is my paternal grandfather Harry Vincent Henniker as a young man. I'm fairly sure that this is a family portrait with parents and sisters.

Harry Vincent Henniker
This time I'm not so sure who else is in the photo. I've included it as an illustration of early 20th century fashion.

Thanks to Karen for emailing this scanned picture to me. Many of the faces look familiar; I think the round picture at bottom right is Harry Vincent Henniker.

Ramsgate Choral and Orchestral Society conducted by RW Henniker, my great grandfather.

My paternal grandparents
My paternal grandparents. They were both musicians but my grandma was also an accomplished artist with water colours.

Muriel Dorothy Phyliss
Photographed in June 1920. Included here for reference. My grandmother had the sense to write notes in her photo albums, so I can vouch for the accuracy of many pictures.

My grandparents' wedding

Norman, Dennis and Pauline
from my grandmother's photo album


Details in the previous text image.

Looks like Pauline is reading the Children's Newspaper.

Harry & me in 1946 Animated GIF
David & Harry
A fairy cycle and two tricycles
David & Harry & Dad
My father Alan Vincent Henniker is in the picture. In the 1950s, when the roads were largely empty of traffic, he took us all to the seaside all the time.
My father's younger brother, Brian Henniker. He worked as an engineer for various organisations before becoming self employed with an audio & TV business at Slateford.
Making an audio recording beside a BEA aircraft.
Dot, my first wife and the mother of my children in Holyrood Park
Dorothy Wilson (Dot), in the '60s
Dorothy Wilson (Dot), in the '60s
Dorothy Wilson (Dot), in the '60s on Calton Hill
Dorothy Wilson (Dot), in the '60s on Calton Hill
Dorothy Wilson (Dot), in the '60s on Calton Hill
Honeymoon picture at Trafalgar Square, London
Feeding baby Linda 1967
My daughter Linda in the late 1970s, reading The Mystery of the Disappearing Cat by Enid Blyton.
It's 1985 and I win a cash prize from Duracell for a photo competition in Comet's in-house magazine.
experiment '79
My first colour TV for which my employer Grants charged me £26 following a fire in the Earl Grey Street shop.
A self-timer picture of me in my improvised attic-darkroom. The enlarger visible was soon replaced with a high quality Durst model. I'm holding a page of negatives in my hands.
A single exposure in which I appear twice. A mixture of ambient light with the shutter held open manually for a second or two, with two flashes.
You can see the ticks of the second hand on the BBC1 clock. This and the one before taken in 1979.
My daughter and son stand at the corner of North Bridge and High Street. The Tron Kirk looks the same today but the menswear shop at the corner of Blair Street is currently a Starbucks coffee shop. The crossing was resurfaced with granite setts imported from China.
These photographs may be of interest to fellow Hennikers in Scotland and England as well as overseas. I previously scanned one or two pictures but this time I scanned the pages complete with my grandmother's notes.
This is my father's mother, Katie Henniker with her younger son Brian in Ramsgate in Kent photographed in August 1926.
Thanks to Margaret West (née Riches) I now know that Thomas Riches (her father) is on the right and her Aunt Charlotte is in the centre.
Katie Henniker is seated on the bench. Ramsgate August 1926.
Katie with cat - location unknown.
3 pictures from the same month.
My Uncle Brian is leaning against his seated grandmother in the first picture. The second picture is enlarged below with more information.
Katie is standing with her hands on Brian's shoulders. My father, Alan is the older brother. My great grandmother is seated. Photographed in 1925. From Margaret West (née Riches): 'far left Charlotte Nellie, my grandmother, then my Dad, then my aunt Phyllis (Pip), then my aunt Charlotte (still alive at 99 in Canada).'
Three pictures from Ramsgate in 1926.
Three pictures from Edinburgh in 1923. Probably from the Trinity area with Brian in the centre picture and Alan on the right.
Ramsgate August 1925. Harry is seated on a deckchair.
Ramsgate 1925. Charlotte on the left - thanks to Margaret again for that info. She also tells me 'group is Tom (my Dad), 4 not known to me but could be cousins, Pip at the back and Charlotte again. Could the cousins be Norman and Dennis and the small girl, Pauline ?'
Pauline aged 7 months.
From Margaret: 'From the left; ?, Charlotte Nellie (my grandmother), Tom (my Dad), Mary Ann Susanna (great grandmother), ?, Katie?, Pip (my aunt), ?, ?, Lottie (my aunt), ?' Second picture at Aberdour in Fife taken in June 1923. My Uncle Brian plays in the sand.
Norman and Dennis' party and another photo of Pauline.
Photo of Reg at Ramsgate in 1925. Second photo is of Alan and Brian at Aberdour in 1923.
Two pictures of Pauline.
See next text image for details.
No information other than the sign in the second photo which states Wardie Horse Shoeing Forge - presumable Wardie in Edinburgh, next to Trinity.
Two photos of Brian on Aberdour beach in June 1923.
The wedding of Mr & Mrs Harman on June 9th 1923. The bottom photo is of Katie and sons Alan and Brian on Aberdour beach in June 1923.
Two more photos of Brian on Aberdour beach in June 1923.
Another wedding on June 9th 1923. The bride is Hilda Christianson.
Two pictures of Alan. The second one is at Aberdour in June 1923 and Alan is with his father Harry.
The last page in the album has photos of Norman, Dennis and Pauline takine in 1920.
Scanned images from the second album. Duplicates exist where there's images worth enlarging further.
First is another picture of Wardie Horse Shoeing Forge, next Ms Christianson's wedding then Harry and Katie and finally a family group with Harry at top left.
An enlargement of Wardie Horse Shoeing Forge with the sepia tone removed. I've tried to make the names easier to read.
The names I can glean from the writing on the background are Aunt Bertha, Aunt Katie and daughter(s)?, and Uncle Leonard.
Top left is Reggie from June 1920. Top right from the same month are Muriel, Dorothy and Phyllis. The bottom left picture has Katie and Harry (my grandparents) with my father Alan as a baby in September 1919. Harry is on the left in the last picture on this album page.
From May and August 1919. Top centre: Alan and parents. Top right: Harry and father? Bottom three pictures: Alan and aunt? then Charlotte and Alan. (Katie's writing is quite faint at the bottom of the page.)
The handwritten notes are quite clear here. First picture is Denis, second one is Norman and Denis. Both pictures from 1919 and, at a guess, somewhere like Ramsgate or Margate in Kent.
Apart from its technical excellence, the subject matter is spot-on and the photographer was inspired enough to seize the moment. Today in 2009 these boys would be in their 90s if still alive. Without a surname it would be difficult to find out.
The writing tells us this is a picture of Charlotte, Tom and Phyllis Koolhoven-Riches. Katie's maiden name was Riches.
Ramsgate Choral and Orchestral Society conducted by RW Henniker, my great grandfather. The notes show the letters after his name. This is a larger version, 1920 pixels wide.
Top right is Harry and his two sons Alan and Brian. Katie, Reg and Alan are in the bottom pictures. The location could be Aberdour in Fife.
Two studio photographs of Alan and younger brother Brian aged 18 months.
June 8th 1920 was when these pictures of Alan were taken. Harry Henniker (my grandfather) looks very smart in his dapper outfit.
Alan again, looking thoughtful. September 8th 1919.
Unknown family picture taken in Romney Studios in Ramsgate.
No information for this picture of a young woman, taken in Romney Studios. Their addresses in Margate and Broadstairs are shown.
I believe this to be my great grandparents, date unknown.
A wedding photograph with everyone looking most dignified.
A studio photograph of Harry taken at the premises of Jas. Bacon & Sons, 130 Princes Street, Edinburgh.
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Author: DaveHenniker
Retired computer technician. Interests: photography, skating, nature, countryside and coastal walking . View all posts by DaveHenniker